Management for hire
Companies are often in need of specific competence and experience for shorter or longer period of time. The organisation may lack certain skills or knowledge, but find it unnecessary, too costly or impractical to employ this talent at the given time. The company might face changes, uncertainty or maybe a crisis. In our management for hire assignments one of us are assigned fully and actively in the company daily for some months.
In all assignments we help our clients fulfil their vision and accomplish their goals. We have high capacity for change, and will not leave when decisions get though and the tasks hard. We will use our experience, skills and knowhow to lead you and your organisation where you want to go. We bring a fresh perspective, and are not tied down by culture or politics. This enables us to focus on what is best for the company.
In TNG Consulting our everyday work is to develop organisations and leaders. Our competence and experience put us in a position to instantly be able to make a difference and maximise the likelihood achieving your goals.
Management for hire assignments are limited in time by nature. The organisation should however see the effect also after the assignment is completed. We therefore build actively on and work to develop persons and resources already in the organisation. Clients often say we help internal resources shine.
Would you like input from a professional partner? We are happy to meet you.