Leadership Development in combination with Parental Leave


LEAP is a talent development program that takes place before and after parental leave. The program increases awareness of your own development and strengths and prepares you for your further career. 

Being on parental leave provides a unique arena for personal development. During your time away from work, you have to take on a new role, use other skills and deal with constant change. We want to encourage parents as well as employers to see parental leave as an asset to careers and to leadership. As you are getting to know your child and adapting into a new role, you will have numerous opportunities to learn about yourself. Great leaders and change agents have the ability to see themselves from the outside and reflect on their own role. 

LEAP is designed to help consolidate the learning that naturally occurs during the parental leave, and help leaders balance their family and career in a health way. LEAP helps employers keep their talents by investing in their development at a crucial time, and easing their return to work.

The program was developed by Toril Nygreen Grave: former teacher now executive coach and leadership developer, business owner and mother of three - well experienced in balancing a career and family life. 

Admission to LEAP is ongoing: send an e-mail to info@tngc.no to receive more information. 

We also run in-house LEAP courses for larger companies and organisations. We would love to talk about what that could look like at your company.

LEAP consists of:

  • A full day of training before the parental leave

  • Journal writing

  • A framework for meetings between participant and employer

  • Individual coaching

  • Job-related tasks

  • Networking lunch when back at work

Benefits for the employer:

  • Motivated talents - the program helps the company's talents increase their ability to be present where they are (that be home, or work) and thus boost their own motivation.

  • Cost-effective - LEAP involves significant development and learning for employees, in return for a modest time investment and cost

  • Enhanced communication with employees on parental leave, and a quick return to productive work

  • Reduces the likelihood of burnout for the employees, by helping them find a sustainable balance in life

  • Increases the company's capacity for change by increasing the individual's awareness and tolerance for change.

  • Employer branding - a company that encourages spending time with family attracts, engages and retains more talented candidates.

Benefits for the participants:

  • A unique opportunity to reflect over your own role and presence

  • Increased capacity for change 

  • Leadership development

  • Individual coaching

  • Introduction to journaling 

  • Motivation to continue your career

  • Networking

  • Enhanced relationship with your employer

  • Help to balance work and life, and increased ability to be present where you are.

  • A leadership development program that comes "at the right time" in your career, without involving travel and additional pressure at work or at home

Newsarticle, Aftenposten

Newsarticle, Aftenposten