Our objective:
To develop and empower the next generation of leaders.
Our workplaces are facing increasingly rapid pace of change and high level of uncertainty. This calls for a new type of leadership. We believe the leaders of tomorrow are emotional intelligent and purpose driven. How can you ensure that your leaders are ready? We tailor leadership development for our clients.
We experience exponential technological development. In a few years, a significant portion of today's jobs will be gone, and many of the careers of the future have not yet been invented. We prepare leaders for this new era, by developing their skill sets in the key areas of creativity, flexibility, collaboration, empathy and effective communication. We do this by working with the individual and the wider culture within which they work. Read more about leading in a VUCA world here.
Leadership development in a systemic perspective.
Leadership always happens in a context. Our focus is broader than the individual leader's agenda or career. We involve the system around the leader in our development processes. On-the-job training is integrated in all of our programs. To set leaders up for success we need to look at the system, as well as working with the individual leader and their collaboration with others. We believe that executed with proficiency leadership development empowers and energizes the entire organisation.

I set myself the goal of becoming a leader and went from discipline manager to director in 4 years, which made it useful to have a strong coach. Toril is skilled, clear and not afraid to challenge.
Anne Ruth Gjerstad - Director of IT-Solutions, Posten Norge AS
Read more references here.

TNG Consulting has since we started in 2009, worked with more than 6000 leaders. A significant number of these leaders work in some of Norway's largest companies. We have learned a lot from our customers. THANK YOU! What we learn from our customers today, will benefit our customers tomorrow.
In a year, we train more than 800 leaders in a coaching leadership style. These leaders help to develop their employees, and they bring curiosity and dialogue to their workplaces.
We have more than 30 years of combined experience with development in the corporate sector.